The latest data on GDP growth pertain to the third quarter of last year, and suggest a quarter-on-quarter growth of 0.8%. This is high - it suggests an annualised growth rate of 3.2%, well above the consensus forecast. In that quarter, growth within the construction sector was particularly striking. With GDP growth now apparently above the trend rate, it is not altogether surprising that unemployment should fall.
Yet questions remain about the source of this growth. Business investment grew in the third quarter of last year, but this only partially made up for a fall in the previous quarter, and the total level of such investment remained below the figure realised a year earlier. Investments in dwellings and other buildings likewise accelerated in the third quarter, but this only partially made up for recent falls. Consumer expenditure, meanwhile, has been rising steadily since the depths of the recession in 2008, and has accelerated sharply since the beginning of 2013.
The fall in unemployment and rise in output both represent very welcome news. As more people find jobs, the increase in consumption becomes more sustainable and the recovery becomes more secure. A key challenge that remains, however, is to raise productivity back to pre-recession levels and hence to restore real wage growth.